Mathilda: Is life always this hard, or is it just when you're a kid? Léon:(thinking for a monent)Always like this. ----------------------------- Léon: (referring to his plant)It's my best friend. Always happy. No questions.
4.28晚保利天安门第二场随着公交车一晃一晃一撞一下虽然三排靠边看起来也不算费劲比北京剧院强太多了 说回电影悬疑惊悚反转各种要素齐聚一开始被黑木华和奈绪吸引而来到最后才发现是男主基本独角戏清秀小生算是抗下来了剧情的话也算一波三折换脸这个操作有点诡异但也说得过去至于人物关系当中那个渣男大概是换脸后的男主凭借一己之力导致最后剧情的翻转让深渊的王子歪打正着实现了正义不得不说这个讽刺也算绝了所谓正义实现的概率真是靠骰子
Is life always this hard.or is it just when you're a kid -Always like this. 可是亲爱的一直如此啊小天狼星你神经兮兮的样子真是So Niceshit 哈哈
Shoot down the baddies, strike a pose, get rich! The 2nd movie of the Dollars trilogy could be satirized in these terms, but how unfair would that be? You don’t watch Sergio Leone for deep philosophical insights, but for his filmmaking. For Ennio Morricone’s splendid scores too: he knows when to go silent, how to creep you out with dissonant strings, when to get synchronized and punctuate iconic gestures. He can charm with a chime, and soar into epicness or poise for a showdown. An interesting relationship between the two MC and internal conflicts among conspirators also make for a good story. But it's Maria Volonte as an eerie, brutal, cunning and even sensual villain who shines most.
"当你一个人行动时戴上面具这不是为你自己而是为你心爱的人" 影片前一个半小时略显平淡冗长还好最后一个小时各种决战、逆袭反转和揭秘随着公交车一晃一晃一撞一下非常提神和过瘾高潮一直持续到影片最后一秒…Nolan, Rise!!!